BLOG Article

Tips for Keeping Positive and Managing your Mood

Spending so much time at home can become difficult to handle, especially if you’re used to going out to work every day or spending time with many different people. Keeping positive in the current climate is a big ask but there are small things you can do to keep on top of your mood and ensure things do not become overwhelming. At Bricks and Mortar, we want all of our clients to remain as positive as possible and these tips should help you find ways to keep on top of your mood.

1.    Set a Routine and Stick to It

Spending all day every day at home can make getting up, showered and dressed feel like an unnecessary step but it does a lot for your mindset. Treat every day like a regular workday and ensure you get up at a reasonable time, brush your teeth and get dressed for a normal day. Falling into a pattern of lying in and staying in your PJs is not good for your mental health. This speech from US navy Admiral William McRaven is a particularly inspiring and thought-provoking look at the importance of keeping on top of the smaller things in life, such as making your bed.  Not keeping on top of the smaller, seemingly insignificant things can lead to bigger problems in the long run.

2.    Keep your Connections Open

Although you can’t physically hug your friends and family or even pop out for a coffee, you can keep connections open and positive. Strong and close relationships are extremely important for mental wellbeing so be sure to check in with your friends and make sure others do the same. Setting up Zoom calls with family, arranging online coffee dates with friends and even chatting with people you didn’t know before online can all help strengthen your sense of social togetherness.

3.    Pick up a New Skill

Distracting yourself with the stress of the current climate isn’t easy but if you immerse yourself in a new learning experience, in an area you’re really passionate about, you could find you have a really effective way of keeping on top of the potential panic. Many online learning providers are offering their courses for free or at a huge discount, giving you the chance to develop a new skill and be proactive in this period where it would be very easy to do nothing.

4.    Spruce up the Home

As everyone is confined to their own homes, there is no better time to give it a makeover. While you can’t go out and buy huge swathes of wallpaper and paint and other products, online purchases are still possible, and you could finally makeover that room you have been talking about for years. Alternatively, as spring is arriving this is a great time to get green-fingered and try out some new ideas for the garden. As you’ll be spending so much time at home, it really is a chance to fall back in love with your house and make the most of it. All those times you’ve put off painting the lounge or cleaning out the guest room because you were too busy can finally be forgotten!

It is very easy to get caught up and carried away by the panic that surrounds unknown and difficult times. Uncertainty and not knowing what comes next are completely rational fears which is why it is particularly important to focus on the here and now. There are some things we can control and this is what we should focus on to help ensure each day is as positive as it can be.